Cha-Wala Cafe


Make a Reservation


We Leave A Delicious Memory For You

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__Our Chefs

We offer the best ingredients for you

Captain America

Pastry Chef

Tony Stark

Ice-cream Chef


Coffee Styler


This Week's Special Meal Offers

Fresh Chicken Salad

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Cold Coffee

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Chocolate ice-cream

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Sit dolore rebum takimata justo duo dolore. Sea tempor nonumy takimata sed voluptua invidunt et.


Fried Chicken

Sit dolore rebum takimata justo duo dolore. Sea tempor nonumy takimata sed voluptua invidunt et.



Sit dolore rebum takimata justo duo dolore. Sea tempor nonumy takimata sed voluptua invidunt et.



Here You Can Make A Reservation or Just Get Our Information

Accusam et et sit ea eirmod gubergren. Tempor sit gubergren gubergren sit accusam magna, stet lorem magna est tempor dolor.

Table Reservation

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